
Dr. Gunter Erfurt
Chief Executive Officer

German citizen


Degree in Engineering Physics from the West Saxon University of Applied Science Zwickau, Germany. Degree in Physics and PhD in Physics, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany.


Since 2020
Chief Executive Officer of the Company

Chief Operating Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Member of the Executive Board of the Company

Managing Director and Member of the Management Board of Meyer Burger (Germany) AG, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, Germany

Managing Director, Solarworld Innovations GmbH, Freiberg, Germany. Responsible for global strategic technology development

Global Head of Planning and Investment/Technology Transfer, Solarworld AG, Bonn, Germany. Staff position to the Chief Operating Officer

Head of Planning and Investment, Solarworld Industries America LLC, Hillsboro, USA

in various positions at Deutsche Solar AG, Freiberg, Germany

Other activities and vested interests

Current mandates
Member of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board and/or of the Executive Board of different subsidiaries of Meyer Burger Technology Ltd including Board membership at the associated company Oxford Photovoltaics Limited, London, United Kingdom, since 2020 (non-remunerated mandate), Member of the Board of Trustees of Fraunhofer Institute for Electron Beam and Plasma Technology, Dresden, Germany, since 2016 (non-remunerated mandate), Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute for Solar Energy Research (ISFH), Hamelin, Germany, since 2019 (non-remunerated mandate), Member of the Board of Association, Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V., Berlin, Germany, since 2020 (non-remunerated mandate). The Board of Directors separately approved of the mandates exceeding the limit set by the Articles of Association.

No further Board of Directors memberships or consultancy activities for important Swiss or foreign organizations. No significant official functions or political offices.

Katja Tavernaro
Chief Sustainability Officer

German citizen


Studied Law at Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany, Degree in Human Resources Management, German Academy for Management, Part-time studies, business administration and law, distance-learning University Hagen. Masters Studies in Management (planned degree M.Sc. 2023), Hagen Institut for Management, Studies (HiMS).


Since 2021
Chief Sustainability Officer and member of the Executive Board, Meyer Burger Technology Ltd

Since 2020
Head of Global Human Resources Meyer Burger Technology Ltd

Since 2017
Head of Global Legal & Compliance Meyer Burger Technology Ltd

Since 2016
Managing Director and Member of the Management Board of Meyer Burger (Germany) AG, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, Germany

In-house Counsel and HR Manager, Meyer Burger (Germany) GmbH, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, Germany

Attorney at law

Other activities and vested interests

Current mandates
Member of the Saxony Chamber of Lawyers and a deputy member of the Board of Directors of AOK Plus; Member of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board and/or of the Executive Board of different subsidiaries of Meyer Burger Technology Ltd. Deputy member of the Board of Directors of AOK Plus, Germany.

No further mandates for Board memberships or consulting activities for important Swiss or foreign organizations. No significant official functions or political offices.

Dr. Moritz Borgmann
Chief Commercial Officer

German citizen


Doctorate degree (Dr. sc. techn.), ETH Zurich, Switzerland. M.S. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, California, USA. Electrical Engineering, Technische Universität München, Germany.


Since 2022
Chief Commercial Officer and member of the Executive Board, Meyer Burger Technology AG

Since 2021
Managing Director, Meyer Burger (Industries) GmbH, Freiberg, Germany

Partner, Apricum GmbH, Berlin, Germany

Controller and afterwards Chief Financial Officer, Vice President, Bühler USA, Minneapolis, USA

Principal, Apricum GmbH, Berlin, Germany

Project Manager, Apricum GmbH, Berlin, Germany

Consultant, Apricum GmbH, Berlin, Germany

Co-Founder and Director Algorithms Development, Celestrius AG, Zurich, Switzerland

Research assistant, Communication Technology Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Visiting Research Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Other activities and vested interests

Current mandates
No further Board of Directors memberships or consultancy activities for important Swiss or foreign organizations. No significant official functions or political offices.

Markus Nikles
Chief Financial Officer

Swiss citizen


Executive Master of Corporate Finance (EMCF), IFZ Institute for Financial Services Zug, Switzerland. Bachelor’s in Business Administration, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Chur, Switzerland. Commercial apprenticeship, Swiss Bank Corporation (today UBS), Interlaken, Switzerland.


Since 2022
Chief Financial Officer and member of the Executive Board, Meyer Burger Technology Ltd (as of September 1, 2022)

Chief Financial Officer Bühler Asia, Wuxi, China, responsible for the sub-regions China, Southeast Asia, Japan and Korea

Chief Financial Officer Bühler Germany, Braunschweig, Germany

Controller and afterwards Chief Financial Officer, Vice President, Bühler USA, Minneapolis, USA

Export Finance Specialist & Corporate Controller, Bühler Uzwil, Switzerland

Various functions (last position: Customer Relationship Manager) with Swiss Bank Corporation Interlaken, Münchenbuchsee and Bern, Switzerland

Other activities and vested interests

Current mandates
No further Board of Directors mem­berships or consultancy activities for important Swiss or foreign organizations. No significant official functions or political offices.

Daniel Menzel
Chief Operating Officer

German citizen


Bachelor of Law (LL.B.), economic law, University of Wismar, Germany. Diploma Business Economics (BWA), Distance Study at „European Business School“ for economy and management, Education and Business Academy St. Gallen, Switzerland. Graduation as Industrial Manager, Apprenticeship at M + W Zander GmbH, Dresden, Germany. Mechanical Engineering / Technical Building Equipment, University of Applied Sciences in Dresden, Dresden, Germany.


Since 2022
Chief Operating Officer and member of the Executive Board, Meyer Burger Technology AG

Since 2021
Managing Director Operations, Meyer Burger (Industries) GmbH, Freiberg, Germany

Chief Executive Officer, G.S. Stolpen GmbH & Co. KG, Stolpen, Germany

Director Sales and Marketing, Member of the Executive Board, SolarWorld Industries GmbH, Bonn, Germany / Qatar Solar Technologies, Doha, Qatar

Vice President Global Procurement and Global Sales, Member of the Executive Board, SolarWorld AG, Bonn, Germany

Director Global Procurement and Supply Chain Management, SolarWorld AG, Bonn, Germany

Division Manager Purchase Department / Germany, SolarWorld AG, Bonn, Germany

Team Leader Purchase Department, SolarWorld AG, Bonn, Germany

Purchaser, Linde AG / Linde KCA GmbH, Dresden, Germany

Employment abroad in the US and Canada, Team leader of a humanitarian organization.

Other activities and vested interests

Current mandates
No further Board of Directors memberships or consultancy activities for important Swiss or foreign organizations. No significant official functions or political offices.