German citizen
BSc Mechanical Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences, Münster, Germany, MSc Physics at the University of Bielefeld and Technical University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany, PhD Mechanical Engineering at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.
CEO of Süss Micro Tec SE, Garching, Germany
CEO and co-founder of Thin Materials, Eichenau, Germany
President of the Semiconductor Equipment Segment, Unaxis, at OC Oerlikon, Pfäffikon, Switzerland
Various roles at Süss MicroTec, including CEO (1998–2004), COO of Süss Holding and CEO of Karl Süss Verwaltung GmbH (1997–1998), Garching, Germany
Scientist at Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen, Germany
Scientist at Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany
Current mandates
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fraunhofer Institute IZM, Berlin, Germany, since 2009. No other mandates at publicly listed companies.
No other business relationship with the Company or one of its group companies exists. No significant official functions or political offices.
Swiss citizen
University of Applied Sciences, Zurich, Switzerland, Marketing Management, Western University, London, Canada, Corporate Financial Strategy in Global Markets, INSEAD, Paris, France, Strategic Management, Harvard University, Boston, USA, International Tax Law, University of Applied Sciences, Basel, Switzerland, Leadership Management, Harvard University, Boston, USA.
Since 2020
Independent Entrepreneur
General Partner, RIFF Ventures, Switzerland
CFO, Bühler Group, Uzwil, Switzerland
CFO, Eichhof Group, Lucerne, Switzerland
Vice President Finance, Swarovski, Feldmeilen, Switzerland
Various management positions SMH/SWATCH, Biel, Switzerland, Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
Various finance positions Ciba-Geigy, Mexico, Switzerland, Colombia and Ivory Coast
Current mandates
Member of the Board of Directors, AG, Rüschlikon,Switzerland (since 2021), Member of the Board of Directors, SBB CFF FFS, Berne, Switzerland (since 2021), Member of the Board of Directors, HOCHDORF Swiss Nutrition AG, Lucerne, Switzerland (since 2020), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Systemcredit, Zurich, Switzerland (since 2019), Member of the Board of Seed Capital Invest AG, Sempach, Switzerland (since 2018), Vice Chairman of the Board of the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce; Zurich, Switzerland.
One other mandate at a publicly listed company, three remunerated mandates and three non-remunerated mandates at non-listed companies. No significant official functions or political offices.
No business relationship with the Company or any of its group companies.
Austrian citizen
Master in Business Administration, Capital Market Theory and Business Informatics, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria.
Since 2014
Co-Manager of Elbogross SA, Zug, Switzerland and Co-Manager of Sentis Capital PCC, Cell 1, Cell 2, Cell 4, Balzers, Liechtenstein
Since 2013
Co-Founder and General Manager of Aerius Advisors, Zug, Switzerland
Co-Founder and General Manager of Hidden Pearl Invest, Vienna, Austria
Senior Fund Manager at Advisory Invest, Vienna, Austria
Various roles at Raiffeisen Group, Vienna, Austria
Current mandates
Member of the Board of Elbogross SA, Zug., Switzerland, since 2014, Member of the Board of Aerius Holding AG, Zug, Switzerland, since 2016, Member of the Board at Sentis Capital PCC, Balzers, Lichtenstein, since 2018.
No other mandate at a publicly listed company, three remunerated mandates and no non-remunerated mandates at non-listed companies. No significant official functions or political offices.
No business relationship with the Company or any of its group companies.
Swiss citizen
Studied law at the University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, graduated 1981 lic. iur. and 1985 Dr. iur. LLM from Harvard Law School, Cambridge (Massachusetts), USA, Habilitation thesis “ Swiss Takeover Law”, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Since 2015
Attorney at law Counsel, Walder Wyss Ltd. attorneys at law, Zurich, Switzerland
Since 2009
Adjunct professor for commercial and business law, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Attorney at Baker McKenzie, Zurich, Switzerland
Current mandates
Member of the Board of Directors of Bellevue Group AG, and its subsidiary Bellevue Asset Management AG, Küsnacht, Switzerland, Member of the Board of Directors of Capital Dynamics Holding AG, Zug, Switzerland, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Geschäftshaus City AG, Dübendorf, Switzerland, Member of the Board of Directors of Ufenau Capital Partners AG, Pfäffikon, Switzerland, Member of the Board of Directors of Ornak AG, Thalwil, Switzerland, Chairman of the Board of SWISA Holding AG, Cham, Switzerland, Member of the Board of Directors of Indicium Technologies AG, Hünenberg, Switzerland, President of the Board of Directors of EBV Immobilien AG, Urdorf, Switzerland, President of the Board of Directors of Invico Asset Management AG, Zürich, Switzerland, President of the Committee of Founding of Pfizer Personalvorsorgestiftung, Zurich, Switzerland, Member of the Foundation Board of Stiftung für Herz- und Kreislaufforschung, Zurich, Switzerland, President of the Committee of Founding of Stiftung Zuversicht für Kinder, Zug, Switzerland.
One other mandate at a publicly listed company, eight remunerated mandates and four non-remunerated mandates at non-listed companies. The Board of Directors separately approved of the mandates exceeding the limit set by the Articles of Association. No significant official functions or political offices.
No business relationship with the Company or any of its group companies.